Low-Budget Filmmaking Tip #16

Plus, ringtones are embarrassing.

On every shoot, there’s at least one person whose phone rings. The first time it happens, there’s a little bit of razzing, and then you move on quickly. The second time it happens, it’s trouble. If it’s not you that first time, use that tiny bit of razz-time to make sure your phone won’t go off. Even if you’re sure, check again. The second phone must never be you.

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Low-Budget Filmmaking Tip #14


Always be on time. Better yet, try to be a little early. Move heaven and earth to make sure you are not the one holding up Production. And if it’s not you, then be a little patient with whoever it is — it’s always got to be somebody, and your patience with that fact can help get things done later. This isn’t the Death Star, y’know…

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