2017 Challenge From Beyond & Lovecraftian Micro Fiction
Now available!

The 2017 round robin story by Nathan Carson, Cody Goodfellow, Dominique Lamssies, Orrin Grey, and Chad Michael Ward is on one side.
Flip it over and the winners of the Lovecraftian Micro Fiction Contest are on the other side!
Micro Fiction contest winners:
- Adria Amente
- Aaron Besson
- Joe Broers
- Teal Farlight
- Rick Hutchins
- Edward Martin III
- Russell Smeaton (winner)
- Fanni Suto
- The Voice Before the Void
- Kevin Walsh
Bonus Honorable Mentions by:
- Joshua Bartolome
- Francisco Bracho
- Bart Koerner
Cover arts by Chad Michael Ward and Jim Pavelec.
Limited edition, only 200 copies were made!
2017 Challenge From Beyond contains the short story Call of the Needle.