Gears and Levers 1 – Edited by Phyllis Irene Radford
Now available!

A Quest for the Mind and Soul…
Come, my friends, adventure and romance awaits in worlds that never were but should have been. Magic and science blend together as Gears and Levers explores the quest for all that makes up humanity.
Battle pirates, travel back in time, fly in dirigibles, explore the wonders of the Orient, and walk with automatons in twenty amazing tales set in Steampunk lands by masterful storytellers such as David D. Levine, Brenda Clough, Mark J. Ferrari, Irene Radford, K.L. Townsend, David Lee Summers, Shannon Page, Bruce Taylor, among others.
Gears and Levers 1 contains the story Underbelly, reprinted from Close Your Eyes: Tales from the Blinkspace.