A breathless descent into suffocating madness.
Now available!

Welcome to The Violet Furnace!
Planes want to keep flying, but a helicopter is a constant struggle among multiple deadly forces, with only a pilot’s nerves of steel keeping it from pulling itself apart and hurling itself into the ground. Bobbi has those nerves, and she needs every last one of them on this lifeflight delivery.
After sending her charge into the depths of Cooper Center hospital, a partially-built half-functioning hospital in the middle of downtown, Bobbi is ready for a night of rest and tequila.
But that ain’t gonna happen today.
Something is happening to the roof of the hospital.
Something has oozed out from the vents and spread across the roof, foaming and rolling.
Bobbi is trapped and the only way out is down through the building.
With her paramedic, Glen, and Catalina, a PA, she retreats down into the building, mere steps ahead of an ever-growing and spreading poisonous mat of purple fungus.
Floor by floor, they make their way to the basement, but instead of escape, they realize that the only way out is back to the roof…
…through an entire high-rise full of deadly fungus, which has even more horrifying surprises in store.
2024 • 230 pages