Close Your Eyes: Tales from the Blinkspace
Now available!

If you read and enjoyed the stories on the Lovecraftian horror blog Blinkspace, then this book is for you!
Close Your Eyes: Tales from the Blinkspace collects all the stories from that blog, plus a few more written specifically for the book. 300 pages and 55 stories, including interior illustrations by the author.
Close Your Eyes: Tales from the Blinkspace is a compelling mix of horror, fantasy, and the deeper kinds of emotions that are most often jangled hard when the world spins awry. It is the best writing I’ve ever done, and I’m extremely proud of the entire body of work. Even when doing the final proofs, I discovered that most of the stories still freak me out, or disturb me, or leave me with dreams of desperate terror.
I sincerely hope you pick up a copy, or at least share the link with friends who might enjoy it, too. It makes great bedtime stories for folks of all ages who might complain of boring dreams!